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Villa Sancelso

Villa Sancelso in Castione della Presolana, home of the International Camp

Italian food, but not only! Tasty menus cooked with organic products and locally grown foods, 7,000 square meters of surrounding green area, a main room for parties and many other surprises to welcome you!

Our villa, the Villa Sancelso, its green area and all of its sport facilities (a soccer field, a beach volley court and  a small swimming pool)  are entirely reserved to the campers for the whole camp period. The Villa’s area is right next to the Orobie Alps Park – Parco Regionale delle Orobie Bergamasche, a beautiful mountain forest park with peaks over 3000 metres and extensive valleys and forests!

Accommodation and Green Area

The campers are accomodated in rooms with 4 beds with private bathrooms. Villa Sancelso has a spacious living room on the ground floor with a bar and television corner, a very large lounge with windows overlooking the trees in the park, a very spacious dining room with an annexed lounge with a large fireplace; on the first floor, a reading room with triple balcony view, a Fitness – Psychomotricity room (with parquet flooring!), a study – projection room; on the second floor, three comfortable and private study/activity rooms in a dedicated wing; in the basement, a large tavern/games room (table tennis, table football) also designed for theatre, disco and film screenings! Outside, a grass soccer field, a beach volley court and  a small swimming pool.

Board service and extras

The services provided to the campers at the Camp include: full board with a balanced and varied menu – preferring organic and locally grown foods – a snack and a juice in the afternoon, special diets for allergies and intolerances. The Villa Sancelso provides, only in case of need, a small laundry service (underwear, t-shirt or other).

Nursery service available on site 24/7 and access to further medical assistance.

The entire Villa is served by a practical lift that connects all the floors, from the tavern (basement) to the fourth floor, reserved for the children’s and teenagers’ rooms. Our spaces are wide and extremely well-lit: the dialogue between the inside and the outside is very strong, the large windows of the hall and of the  living room create a communion between the unique landscape and the interiority of those who stay there.

What is striking about the Villa is the space, which comfortably accommodate groups of children and teenagers in a confortable and elegant space designed just for them.

The aim is to offer hospitality and livability to children and teenagers carefully considering their needs and necessities to guarantee them the perfect holiday!

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