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The International Camp Sancelso, in Italy, is the perfect sport summer camp for kids and teenagers of all nationalities.

Paintball, indoor climbing, hikes and much more to have fun! No time left to get bored!

Active and healthy outdoor experience such as sport and mountain hikes and a greatly relaxing environment with lots of new friends: everything safe and supervised by professional and responsible camp leaders and tutors.

Check out the other camp activities:


Balance, elegance and grace: conquering a route is always a magical experience. Our kids and teenagers can try this experience indoor, in the climbing hall, where they will be given everything they need.


With amazing and imaginative courses, the kids can train they precision and concentration in a challenge to the last hole!


Our camp offers a unique experience of combined activities:

  • archery: from instinctive shoot ing in the field to precision shooting, all under the supervision of competent and trained instructors.
  • Summer bobsleigh: also called Fun bobsleigh is a toboggan placed on rails: you run but always in safety!


Swimming and playing outdoors is the best way to experience the energy of water with friends. We can do this at the CSC Water Park, which offers slides and recreational pools to relax in.


Sport is a fundamental part of daily life at the Camp: basketball, tennis, football, baseball, flag football, ultimate frisbee… these are all activities through which the children at the Camp learn while having fun.


During the Camp children will experience the thrill of caring for and riding a real horse: the activity will be divided into half an hour of grooming (cleaning, brushing and caring for the pony/horse) and half an hour of horse riding!

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