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Castione della Presolana, jewel of the Val Seriana, hosts the International Camp, a summer camp in the Orobic Alps.

Discovering the Val Seriana Valley, its fairy-tales and the astonishing Bergamasque Orobic Alps, mountain range of the Italian Alps. Castione della Presolana is a small village in the mountain community of Valle Seriana, at the foot of the Presolana and Monte Pora mountains: we are right next to the Parco Regionale delle Orobie Bergamasche – Bergamasque Orobic Alps Regional Park -, a splendid mountain forest park with peaks over 3000m and extensive valleys and forests. The Villa Sancelso where we host the summer camp is located at an altitude of 900m, surrounded by greenery and with a unique view of the surrounding mountains.

Val Seriana: the pearl of the Lombardy

The Seriana Valley extends for about 50 kilometres along the course of the Serio River: it is characterised by large flat areas, plateaus and high peaks in the Upper Valley. The whole area is extremely interesting from several point of views: geographical, geological and naturalistic. Very popular in both summer and winter, the mountain community of Valle Seriana it is confirmed as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Northern Italy.

Mountain Excursions

During the summer camp, kids will have the opportunity to experience the mountains, hiking in different areas of the region: the forest of the Orobic Alps Natural Park, the alpine pastures of the Upper Valley, the rocky walls of the Pora Mountain, the valley of the Serio River, the peaceful alpine lakes and the surrounding majestic glaciers.

Click here to discover the full program of the Camp.

Castione della Presolana

Castione della Presolana is a small mountain municipality that is surprising for its traditional architecture, which favours natural materials such as wood and stone, and for the privileged position it enjoys, offering unique scenery in the Seriana Valley.

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