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About Us

International Summer Camp in Italy, in the charming Val Seriana, Orobic Alps.

Summer holidays in Italy for kids and teenagers from 6 to 17 years old in an international environment: since 1955, unforgettable holidays for your kids, enjoying adventure, nature and culture!

The Asti family have been organizing summer holidays for kids and teenagers in Bellamonte – Trentino Alto Adige –, Igea Marina – Rimini, Adriatic Coast – and Castione della Presolana – Lombardy – for four generations, following the same educational project started with the San Celso Institute in Milan, back in the early ‘900. We have always been deeply aware of the fundamental role and value of both counselors and tutors: our professional staff can always guarantee safe, enjoyable and didactic holidays for the kids, being them the main focus of our summer camp.  

65 years anniversary!

In 2020 we celebrated a very important anniversary. We are excited to have hosted children and teens for 65 years, year after year. The location changes but not our mission!

Our locations have been designed with this very purpose in mind: the hospitality and livability of children and teenagers, carefully considering their needs and necessities to offer them the perfect holiday.

Our mission is to keep on with the values that have animated us for all these year while living the social reality that surrounds us in a dynamic and present way.

Camp goals

Our camp is a safe environment that helps kids to learn about themselves and develop their self-esteem, to find out their hidden talents and abilities, while having fun, meeting different people and making new friendships for life. A great holiday for the kids: they grow up while having fun! We firmly believe in the values of fairness, solidarity, respect and sharing: these are the main ingredients to guarantee a safe and pleasant environment, and a varied and balanced program. The International Camp Sancelso is also located in a unique naturalistic place, with a breathtaking view of Pora and Pizzo della Presolana mountains, right next to the splendid Parco delle Orobie Bergamasche – Orobic Alps Park.

Summer holidays in Italy for kids and teenagers

The Orobic Alps Mountains

Living the mountains is our greatest experience: during the summer camp, the kids learn to experience, live, appreciate and respect the beauty of nature, surrounded by the highly picturesque Orobic Alps mountains. Mountains hiking, daily excursions, exciting indoor climbing, adventurous overnight camping and many other outdoor activities: these are only some of the “great simple” challenges for our campers, to let them establish a connection with the culture and life in the mountains.

The staff

Each year we welcome staff members coming from countries all over the world and with different qualifications: mother tongue English teachers, Celta, IELTS, TOEFL or similar certified teachers, P.E. and science tutors, sport tutors and mountain-lovers with previous summer camp experience. Our counsellors will share their experience and safely guide the kids in their excursions. Campers are divided into groups, depending on their age: the ratio of staff to campers is 1 to 10, but for the 6-7 years old the ratio is usually 1 to 5. In addition to camp leaders and tutors, a professional nurse is always present and available 24/7.

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