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Contact us

To participate in the Sancelso International Camp just fill in the form with all the requested data. Acceptance of the application is subject to the availability of places. Any preferences for inclusion in peer groups must be indicated in the appropriate space on the form.

Join the Camp

To participate in the International Camp Sancelso, simply fill in the form with all the required data. Acceptance of the application is subject to the availability of places.

Join the Camp!

Other infos

For any information, you can contact us on +39 02 6551716 (Milan organizational office) from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 17.00, or on +39 0346 60051 (Villa Sancelso) during the summer camp (23 June – 10 August 2024) from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 11.00.

Villa Sancelso hosts the International Camp

Via Risorgimento 42, 24020 Castione della Presolana (BG)

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